Cartrefi Hapus, Iach! 🏡 Happy, Healthy Homes

Cartrefi Hapus, Iach! 🏡 Happy, Healthy Homes


Join us at Ruthin Market Hall for a series of interactive workshops as Warm Wales teams up with Outside Lives to deliver our new project in Ruthin: Happy, Healthy Homes! 🏡✨


🎉 Exciting Community Events Alert! 🎉

Join us at Ruthin Market Hall for a series of interactive workshops as Warm Wales teams up with Outside Lives to deliver our new project: Happy, Healthy Homes! 🏡✨


Thanks to funding from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, this Denbighshire-focused initiative aims to tackle the impact of rising living costs by enhancing energy efficiency, combating fuel poverty, and fostering community cohesion through social action.

🎨 Get ready for an immersive experience! Creative activities will be held in the backdrop of the house – step from room to room and get stuck into the variety of creative activities that local creatives are bringing to you. From making rag rugs to crafting eco cleaning products and cooking demos, there’s something for everyone! Expect to see lots of creative ideas and inspiration.

Let’s learn, share, and empower one another to become more resilient in these challenging times. Together, we can create happier, healthier homes for all! 🌱💚

Stay tuned for more details on the timings and activities! See you there! 🎊

#HappyHealthyHomes #CommunityAction #EnergyEfficiency #RuthinEvents #WarmWales #Outsidelives


🎉 Hysbysiad am Ddigwyddiadau Cymunedol Cyffrous! 🎉


Ymunwch â ni yn Neuadd Farchnad Rhuthun am gyfres o weithdai rhyngweithiol fel y bydd Cymru Gynnes yn gweithio mewn tîm gydag Outside Lives i gyflwyno ein prosiect newydd: Cartrefi Hapus, Iach! 🏡✨


Diolch i nawdd oddi wrth Lywodraeth y DU trwy Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin y DU, nod y fenter hon sy’n canolbwyntio ar Sir Ddinbych yw mynd i’r afael ag effaith costau byw cynyddol trwy wella effeithiolrwydd ynni, mynd i’r afael â thlodi tanwydd, a meithrin cydlyniant cymunedol trwy weithredu cymdeithasol.

🎨 Paratowch am brofiad ymdrochol! Bydd gweithgareddau creadigol yn cael eu cynnal yng nghefndir y tŷ – camwch o ystafell i ystafell a rhoi cynnig ar amrywiaeth o weithgareddau creadigol y mae pobl greadigol leol yn eu cyflwyno i chi. O wneud rygiau clytiau i greu cynnyrch glanhau eco ac arddangosfeydd coginio, mae rhywbeth at ddant pawb! Disgwyliwch weld llawer o syniadau creadigol ac ysbrydoliaeth.

Gadewch i ni ddysgu, rhannu, a grymuso ein gilydd i ddod yn fwy gwydn a chadarn yn ystod yr amseroedd heriol hyn. Gyda’n gilydd, gallwn greu cartrefi hapusach ac iachach i bawb! 🌱💚


Edrychwch allan am ragor o fanylion am yr amseroedd a gweithgareddau! Fe welwn ni chi yno! 🎊

#CartrefiHapusIach#BywCynaliadwy #YmgysylltuCymunedol#CymruGynnes #PoblGreadigolRhuthun

#HappyHealthyHomes #CommunityAction #EnergyEfficiency #RuthinEvents #WarmWales #OutsideLives


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Event Details

Date: March 24, 2024

Start time: 10:00

End time: 14:00

Venue: Ruthin Market Hall, Market St, Ruthin LL15 1BE, UK