Should there be a fire emergency when you are on site, please use an extinguisher which can be located at all of the our designated on site fire-points. If you feel others may also be in danger, please sound the alarm bell.

Our fire assembly points are the grassed area in front of the yurt and outside the meeting point by the office. If the fire can not be put out with an extinguisher, then on sounding the alarm, everyone should make their way to these points.

Any fire incident, no matter how small, MUST be reported to reception and recorded in our Accident book.

We run a monthly fire drill on site. Should a drill be planned on the day of your visit, you will be advised when you arrive on site.


If you hurt yourself whilst on site, we have First Aiders on hand to help you. Our first aid kit is fully stocked, and trained first aiders and will provide you with basic first aid supplies. It is important that all accidents that occur on site are reported to reception as we need to keep a record of these in our incident book.



Whilst we hope that you will never need these numbers, there are some useful contacts and pieces of information that it is good to have an awareness of:

OS Map Ref

SJ20666206 (Aberduna Hall)

Nearest Postcode



Pendre Surgery, Mold 01352 759163


Minor Injuries: Mold Community Hospital: 0300 085 0006

A&E: Glan Clwyd: 01745 583910


Bryn Siriol, Mold 01352 758707


Urgent: 999, Non-urgent: 101


The Grange Vets, Mold 01352 700087

We do hope that this information is of help. Please let us know if we’ve missed anything, we would be happy to add them to our list!


We try to use these around the site to communicate in the absence of a phone signal