OUR VALUES : What’s important to us!

At Outside Lives, our values are the backbone of everything we do. Our main values are: EARTH CARE, PEOPLE CARE, FUTURE CARE.


We want to make sure our actions don't harm the earth but actually help it stay healthy. We want to be nature’s caretakers.


We want everyone to be healthier and happier. By doing things together, we build strong and thriving communities that care for each other.


We're mindful of using only what we need so that there's enough left for the next generations. We want to make sure our children and their children get to enjoy this planet too.

Our Goal and Making a Difference

At Outside Lives, our goal is simple: to create a world where nature thrives, and communities flourish. Our mission is all about building stronger, healthier connections among people through understanding and celebrating our natural world.

How? We join forces with community members to plan and create activities that benefit both people and the planet. This leads to:

New or Stronger Relationships

We love bringing people together, creating 'eco systems' of individuals connected through shared interests.

Resilience & Genuine Inclusion

We make sure everyone feels welcome and part of our community.

Better Health and Wellbeing

Our activities are designed to make people feel happier and healthier.

Love for Nature

We help people understand and celebrate nature, fostering a connection to and care for the great outdoors.